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In Conversation with Bell Hooks (2005)

"A restoration of trust can only happen when we recognise where we stand"

Synopsis: Deemed as “one of the great revolutionaries of our time”, Bell Hooks delivered a fantastic talk at the University of Washington where she challenges pedagogy, hierarchies and race relations.

Though hosted over 10 years ago, this talk helps me question the institutions I frequent now. Hooks brought home numerous truths, opening our eyes to faults within the education system and our own attitudes to change. One thing that stuck in my head were her comments about how we can write for and empower young black boys to be great black feminists. Overall life changing.

Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 4/5 stars

She sadly passed away aged 69 on 15 December 2021, may Gloria Jean "Bell Hooks" Watkins rest in peace.

Images from Between the Lines and Alumni Park:

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